
  • Petechial Hemorrhaging
    Petechial hemorrhaging is not something I’ve yet written about. Which I find odd as it was one of the earliest symptoms I sought medical treatment for. The doctors were stumped. And it let to me on a pathway which let to my first cancer screening and very painful biopsy. I was then told to be… Read more: Petechial Hemorrhaging
  • Channelopathies Reading List
    Treatment Updates for Neuromuscular Channelopathies from NIH Structure and function of voltage-gated sodium channels from NIH Important:Treatment of periodic paralysis involves both interventions to abort or ameliorate an acute attack of weakness as well as preventative strategies. Diet and lifestyle  The strongest trigger of a paralytic attack in any form of periodic paralysis is excessive… Read more: Channelopathies Reading List
  • Echocardiogram
    Back to spend the day with the VA in the morning (Thursday). Cardiology this time. My doc is trying to cover all bases. If all bases check out, then the problem lies with the one organ we know so little about. The brain. Episodic Ataxia Type 9 with Channelopathy as indicated by a hereditary SCN2A… Read more: Echocardiogram
  • Brain Disease: Mild Panic
    Yesterday’s post was a mild introduction. I would like to talk about the psycho-social part of it for a while, as I have scant medical data that is anything but conjecture or obvious to give you. I realized very long ago that this illness/disorder or whatever it is, doesn’t only affect me. The obvious others… Read more: Brain Disease: Mild Panic
  • Brain Disease Journey
    Yes, Brain Disease. Well, really, we don’t know. It seems that my new new team of neurologists think my issues could be due to a brain disorder and are looking for genetic testing focusing in on my specific heritage. We haven’t started yet, but the fear and the panic attacks have started. I dreamed I… Read more: Brain Disease Journey