Category: NMD

  • Petechial Hemorrhaging

    Petechial hemorrhaging is not something I’ve yet written about. Which I find odd as it was one of the earliest symptoms I sought medical treatment for. The doctors were stumped. And it let to me on a pathway which let to my first cancer screening and very painful biopsy. I was then told to be…

  • Brain Disease: Mild Panic

    Brain Disease: Mild Panic

    Yesterday’s post was a mild introduction. I would like to talk about the psycho-social part of it for a while, as I have scant medical data that is anything but conjecture or obvious to give you. I realized very long ago that this illness/disorder or whatever it is, doesn’t only affect me. The obvious others…

  • Brain Disease Journey

    Yes, Brain Disease. Well, really, we don’t know. It seems that my new new team of neurologists think my issues could be due to a brain disorder and are looking for genetic testing focusing in on my specific heritage. We haven’t started yet, but the fear and the panic attacks have started. I dreamed I…

  • New pair of shoes. This time, for walking.

    Jubilant. I’ve not been able to walk freely for almost 6 years and without a cane for a year and a half before the 6. However, I was faced with a predicament: I needed walking shoes. I could not believe it. I was not only walking post-surgery, but enough to make my feet hurt in…

  • Pain Level Nonsense

    There are several levels of pain. The medical profession likes to have you rate it from 1-10. Hah! There aren’t comprehensible numbers to describe the places I’ve been. For a time, I refused to use numbers at the medical inquisitions. I am and always been a mathematician. Numbers are my friend. Why in the hell…

  • Exile


    Yes, exile. Dealing with a NMD is tragic. Friends and family either leave or are pushed away. The exact reason doesn’t really matter. The result is the same — isolation. I can see various reasons for this. A rapid isolation can be accomplished when the doctor orders you leave your job that you love and…